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A member registered Jul 30, 2022

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This game has a lot of potential but needs a lot of tweaking.
Pardon my English.

I played the free version 0.8.5b, so I don't know if there are many differences to version 0.9.1b.

- Technical problems

The game sound did not work at any time, my cell phone is OnePlus 6.
The game starts light, but as the game progresses, it gets heavy.
I can't change tabs, the game screen goes black.

- Gameplay problems

The level design needs adjustments, the main entrance sometimes goes into the school, sometimes it goes to the office and sometimes it goes back to the open map, but the main entrance in the open map is the library.
The game simply removes your waifu, ie your favorite character, that's horrible.
Some rare events are so rare, the vast majority I haven't seen.
Some events need gold, but the farm is very slow so I didn't see many events. For example gifts are very expensive.
After doing some hot scene, you could have the option to redo it more easily without being after finishing the game.

- To finish

Is the free version a minor version? As if they had two games? So whoever plays the free version will never have access to the paid version?